
Friday, June 21, 2013

Prospective Student

Dangling from a rock on a steep mountain the boy had aching muscles. It was painful He kept on reminding himself  ‘I can make it’’. Finally he reached the top of the mountain he was  relieved.

He looked up the distance  and saw the dojo. Just then he walked up to the solid Door. Suddenly the master came out and he pointed at the sign and he shut the door. The boy never saw the sign and he sat down, started to meditating till day and night but in the morning the master  pointed and shut the door.

the boy felt sad and tired but he closed his eyes. Then felt disheartened and got angry his palms were sweaty and turned into a fist he went to the solid door Kicked it open master came out. the boy began to show what he was made of and show what he can do and tell the master that I’m worthy to be in the karate school.

just then he pointed at the sign again. He looked at it. It said ‘use the other entrance’’ he thought ‘Oh my god I knew that maybe not man  I was such a fool what was I thinking’’ he put his hands behind his back and smiled anxiously with embarrassment .

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It was a cold, dark night and I was alone in a strange house. Suddenly I heard a noise! The entrance to the door slightly opened with a screech. From a room upstairs I went through the door and found a dead body. It was covered with blood. I felt scared. Just then a shadow appeared out of nowhere from the window. I looked down through the window  and saw  a vampire vanishing into dust.

I quickly ran down stairs, went outside, but there was nothing but dust. I walked upstairs.Then someone tapped me on the back. I turned around and looked up, but no one was there. Then I looked down at the floor and there was a cute white kitten with brown patches. It was so adorable I picked it up and played with it. Then I saw an ugly fat rat. It went in the room then I put the cute kitten down and I followed it.  I knew that something was wrong. The dead body wasn't there!

I turned around suddenly vampire looked at me and said ‘what are you doing in my house’’ I replied ‘ why I was just lost so just came in here.’’ Then vanished. After that I went out of the room and the kitten was dead. Then it started to float in the air. It was twitching and clicking its bones a lot then drop straight on the ground. I started to crying I followed the vampire and disappeared.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

League skills

For the last 5 weeks my class has been doing league skills. On the first day we went to the hall and met our coach and her helper. She was very sporty looking. Before we started she said “Hi guys how are you today, so we’re learning to drop kick.” Drop kick is where you drop and kick the ball, with your foot facing your partner so when you kick it it goes to your partner. We spread out on 2 lines facing each other so we could kick the ball our partner. then we got into teams and had a go at a quick game.

The next skill we learnt was out on the field learning how to pass to each other. We got into groups of 7 and made a game with 1 person in the middle of a circle made of running people.
The person in the middle passes the ball to someone that is running in the circle, that person had to give it back to the person in the middle. But the second time if the person who the ball is aimed at doesn’t catch it when they supposed to then they will be out.

Our time with our coaches was great and I can’t wait to see what's coming up for league. Maybe some of the kids in our class could get into a New Zealand team.