Think about walking in a poor persons shoes ending up on the street, constantly begging for money to feed themselves. You see someone with a house and a job who walks past you and starts laughing at you, it would be mean and ungrateful to be laughed at. To show empathy if you saw someone in this condition you would look into your heart and help them out. Empathy is how you understand other peoples feelings. Its important for us to create our world to be empathetic
What sort of ways to show empathy, Empathy is when you are caring for someone that is alone, poor, helpless and is in a terrible condition. If a person that is alone or helpless it is best for you to help them. Because maybe in the feature if you are desperate to ask for help they might remember you and help you out. It can’t be just only this way there is another way too.
When someone is giving a speech to a audience and that person is panicking and starts talking to themselves that they can’t do it. To be empathetic is walking up to that person and say ‘Don't worry about the audience just look at the exit not at the audience and you will be alright.
Why is it important to show empathy. Empathy is important because without empathy one is complete. It is very supportive to be empathetic so people would collaborate with each other. It wouldn't be that hard to ask people for help, because what if a ladies purse got stolen outside in front of everyone and no one is doing nothing about it that would be terrible.
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